2009年4月16日 星期四


一. 「起」的適用句型
1. As a general rule, S + V. [一般而言,.....]
As a general rule,the traffic from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. is quite heavy.
2. As a rule, S + V. [一般而言,.....]
As a rule,students in Taiwan rise early in the morning.
3. As far as I know, S + V. [據我所知,.....]
As far as I know, the housekeeper is very kind and generous.
4. As the saying is(goes), S + V. [常言道,...]
As the saying goes,curiosity kills the cat.
5. Everybody knows that + S +V [眾所皆知,...]
Everybody knows that it is cold in winter.
6. Generally speaking , S + V. [一般而言,...]
Generally speaking ,people earn a lot of money by working hard.
7. I’m of the opinion + that子句. [依我所見,...]
I’m of the opinion that you should help your sister.
8. In general, S + V. [一般而言,...]
In general,primary education is essential.
9. In my opinion, S + V. [依我所見,.....]
In my opinion,we must preserve natural resources.
10. It goes without saying + that子句. [不用說,.....]
It goes without saying that I love you more than anyone in the world.
11. Needless to say, S + V. [不用說,......]
Needless to say, he is too weak to work in the factory.
12. .No one can deny + that子句. [沒有人可以否認.......]
No one can deny that Einstein is the greatest inventor in the history.
13. On the average, S + V. [一般而言,.......]
On the average, Joe workds harder than May.
14. Strange to say, S + V. [說來奇怪,......]
Strange to say,I got a phone call but no one spoke.
15. To the best of my knowledge, S + V. [據我所知,......]
To the best of my knowledge,Kevin goes shopping on weekends.
1. According to +N, S + V. [根據.....,......]
According to the news,there was a man run over by a truck yesterday.
2. As a matter of fact, S + V. [實際上,.......]
As a matter of fact,Joe is a millionaire.
3. As far as I’m concerned, S + V. [就我而論,....]
As far as I’m concerned,Mary performed the best on the stage.
4. As for(to) + N, S + V. [至於.....,......]
As for my favorite novel, Harry Potter is definitely my favor.
5. As things are(go), S + V. [根據現在的情況,....]
6. First of all, S + V. [首先,...]
First of all,you have to prepare for your test carefully.
7. For example(instance), S + V. [例如,....]
For example,you can work out in the gym every day to lose weight.
8. For one thing, S + V ; for another, S + V. [一則...; 其次....]
9. I often hear it said + that子句. [我常聽說......]
10.I take it for granted + that子句. [我認為...是理所當然的]
I take it for granted that people should help each other.
11.In addition, S + V. [此外,...]
In addition,we have to donate to the charitable organization.
12.In effect(fact, practice), S + V. [事實上,....]
In effect,we meditate every morning to refresh ourselves.
13.In other words, S + V. [換句話說,.....]
In other words,we check up our bodies and mind every day.
14.In spite of + N, S + V. [雖然... , ...]
In spite of rain,we still went on an outing.
15.In the first place, S + V. [首先,....]
In the first place,we practice our breath a lot.
16. People(They) say + that子句. [據說....]
People(They) say that the widow is rich.
17. There goes(is) a proverb + that子句. [有句俗話說,...]
There goes(is) a proverb + that many men, many tongues.
18. To begin with, S + V. [首先,....]
To begin with,I would like to introduce myself.
19. To my delight, S + V. [令我高興地,....]
To my delight,the teacher said that we didn't have a test today.
20. To my disappointment, S + V. [令我失望地,...]
To my disappointment,my girlfriend did't turn up at my party.
21. To my satisfaction, S + V. [令我滿意地,...]
To my satisfaction,Joe turned in his report on time.
22. To my surprise, S + V. [令我驚訝地,...]
To my surprise,all of my friends came to see me in the hospital.
23. To cite(take) an example, S + V. [舉個例子,... ]
To cite an example,Joe won the tennis competition in 1985.
24. To tell the truth, S + V. [老實說,...]
To tell the truth,I have loved you for 10 years.
25. What seems to be the problem is + that子句. [問題似乎是...]
What seems to be the problem is that you never communicate with us before making a decision.

1. As affairs(matters) stand, S + V. [ 就以現在情形來說,...]
2. By the way, S + V. [順便一提,...]
3. But on the other hand, S + V. [但是另一方面...]
4. But the crux is + that子句. [但是癥結是...]
5. Can you imagine that子句 (or wh- + S + V)? [你能想像...嗎? ]
6. Can we forget + N (or that子句 or wh- + S + V) ? [我們能夠忘記...嗎? ]
7. From now on(onwards), S + V. [從現在起,...]
8. If only + S + V. (用假設法) [但願...]
9. In the mean time, S + V. [同時...]
10. In this manner, S + V. [如此一來,...]
11. Indeed, + S + V, but + S + V. [沒錯...,但是... ]
12. It’s high(about) time for + O + to V. [該是...的時候 ]
13. On condition that子句, S + V. [如果...,... ]
14. On the contrary, S + V. [相反地,...]
15. Seeing(Now) that子句, S + V. [既然...,... ]
16. To make matters worse, S + V. [更糟的是,...]
17. We must recognize that + S + V. [我們必須承認...]
18. We cannot ...too.... [我們越...越好... ]
19. What do you say to + Ving (or N) ? [...如何? ]
20. What if + S + V? [要是...該怎麼辦? ]
21. What is the use of + Ving ? [...又有什麼用? ]
22. Who doesn’t + V ? [誰又不...呢? ]
23. Would you like to V ? [你想...嗎? ]
24. S + V, not to mention (speak of) + N. [...,更甭說...]
He can read the articles on CNN's website, not to mention junior high school's materials.
25. S + V; that is (to say ) , S + V. [...;那就是,... ]
1. Above all (things), S + V. [ 最重要地,...]
2. According to the aforementioned, S + V. [綜觀上述所云,...]
3. As a result, S + V. [結果,...]
4. As a whole, S + V. [總而言之,...]
5. As long as +子句, S + V, [只要...,....]
6. As we know from the above, S + V. [由上敘我們可知,...]
7. At any cost(rate), we should V. [無論如何,我們應該... ]
8. At all events (costs), we should V. [ 無論如何,我們應該...]
9. By and large, S + V. [大體而言,...]
10. First and last, S + V. [總之,...]
11. I’m confident + that子句. [我自信...]
12. In brief(short), S + V. [簡而言之,...]
13. In conclusion, we should V. [總之,我們應該...]
14. Only by this can we + V. [只有如此,我們才能... ]
15. On the whole, S + V. [總而言之,...]
16. To be brief(short), S + V. [簡而言之,...]
17. To return, S + V. [言歸正傳,...]
To return, we must love the earth.
18. To sum up (conclude), S + V. [總之,...]
To sum up , it's never too late to learn.
19. Under no circumstances should we + V. [無論無何,我們絕不...]
Under no circumstances should we take drugs.
20. What we must do is + V. [我們只要...就可以了]
What we must do is save our money.
