2009年4月16日 星期四


一. 「起」的適用句型
1. As a general rule, S + V. [一般而言,.....]
As a general rule,the traffic from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. is quite heavy.
2. As a rule, S + V. [一般而言,.....]
As a rule,students in Taiwan rise early in the morning.
3. As far as I know, S + V. [據我所知,.....]
As far as I know, the housekeeper is very kind and generous.
4. As the saying is(goes), S + V. [常言道,...]
As the saying goes,curiosity kills the cat.
5. Everybody knows that + S +V [眾所皆知,...]
Everybody knows that it is cold in winter.
6. Generally speaking , S + V. [一般而言,...]
Generally speaking ,people earn a lot of money by working hard.
7. I’m of the opinion + that子句. [依我所見,...]
I’m of the opinion that you should help your sister.
8. In general, S + V. [一般而言,...]
In general,primary education is essential.
9. In my opinion, S + V. [依我所見,.....]
In my opinion,we must preserve natural resources.
10. It goes without saying + that子句. [不用說,.....]
It goes without saying that I love you more than anyone in the world.
11. Needless to say, S + V. [不用說,......]
Needless to say, he is too weak to work in the factory.
12. .No one can deny + that子句. [沒有人可以否認.......]
No one can deny that Einstein is the greatest inventor in the history.
13. On the average, S + V. [一般而言,.......]
On the average, Joe workds harder than May.
14. Strange to say, S + V. [說來奇怪,......]
Strange to say,I got a phone call but no one spoke.
15. To the best of my knowledge, S + V. [據我所知,......]
To the best of my knowledge,Kevin goes shopping on weekends.
1. According to +N, S + V. [根據.....,......]
According to the news,there was a man run over by a truck yesterday.
2. As a matter of fact, S + V. [實際上,.......]
As a matter of fact,Joe is a millionaire.
3. As far as I’m concerned, S + V. [就我而論,....]
As far as I’m concerned,Mary performed the best on the stage.
4. As for(to) + N, S + V. [至於.....,......]
As for my favorite novel, Harry Potter is definitely my favor.
5. As things are(go), S + V. [根據現在的情況,....]
6. First of all, S + V. [首先,...]
First of all,you have to prepare for your test carefully.
7. For example(instance), S + V. [例如,....]
For example,you can work out in the gym every day to lose weight.
8. For one thing, S + V ; for another, S + V. [一則...; 其次....]
9. I often hear it said + that子句. [我常聽說......]
10.I take it for granted + that子句. [我認為...是理所當然的]
I take it for granted that people should help each other.
11.In addition, S + V. [此外,...]
In addition,we have to donate to the charitable organization.
12.In effect(fact, practice), S + V. [事實上,....]
In effect,we meditate every morning to refresh ourselves.
13.In other words, S + V. [換句話說,.....]
In other words,we check up our bodies and mind every day.
14.In spite of + N, S + V. [雖然... , ...]
In spite of rain,we still went on an outing.
15.In the first place, S + V. [首先,....]
In the first place,we practice our breath a lot.
16. People(They) say + that子句. [據說....]
People(They) say that the widow is rich.
17. There goes(is) a proverb + that子句. [有句俗話說,...]
There goes(is) a proverb + that many men, many tongues.
18. To begin with, S + V. [首先,....]
To begin with,I would like to introduce myself.
19. To my delight, S + V. [令我高興地,....]
To my delight,the teacher said that we didn't have a test today.
20. To my disappointment, S + V. [令我失望地,...]
To my disappointment,my girlfriend did't turn up at my party.
21. To my satisfaction, S + V. [令我滿意地,...]
To my satisfaction,Joe turned in his report on time.
22. To my surprise, S + V. [令我驚訝地,...]
To my surprise,all of my friends came to see me in the hospital.
23. To cite(take) an example, S + V. [舉個例子,... ]
To cite an example,Joe won the tennis competition in 1985.
24. To tell the truth, S + V. [老實說,...]
To tell the truth,I have loved you for 10 years.
25. What seems to be the problem is + that子句. [問題似乎是...]
What seems to be the problem is that you never communicate with us before making a decision.

1. As affairs(matters) stand, S + V. [ 就以現在情形來說,...]
2. By the way, S + V. [順便一提,...]
3. But on the other hand, S + V. [但是另一方面...]
4. But the crux is + that子句. [但是癥結是...]
5. Can you imagine that子句 (or wh- + S + V)? [你能想像...嗎? ]
6. Can we forget + N (or that子句 or wh- + S + V) ? [我們能夠忘記...嗎? ]
7. From now on(onwards), S + V. [從現在起,...]
8. If only + S + V. (用假設法) [但願...]
9. In the mean time, S + V. [同時...]
10. In this manner, S + V. [如此一來,...]
11. Indeed, + S + V, but + S + V. [沒錯...,但是... ]
12. It’s high(about) time for + O + to V. [該是...的時候 ]
13. On condition that子句, S + V. [如果...,... ]
14. On the contrary, S + V. [相反地,...]
15. Seeing(Now) that子句, S + V. [既然...,... ]
16. To make matters worse, S + V. [更糟的是,...]
17. We must recognize that + S + V. [我們必須承認...]
18. We cannot ...too.... [我們越...越好... ]
19. What do you say to + Ving (or N) ? [...如何? ]
20. What if + S + V? [要是...該怎麼辦? ]
21. What is the use of + Ving ? [...又有什麼用? ]
22. Who doesn’t + V ? [誰又不...呢? ]
23. Would you like to V ? [你想...嗎? ]
24. S + V, not to mention (speak of) + N. [...,更甭說...]
He can read the articles on CNN's website, not to mention junior high school's materials.
25. S + V; that is (to say ) , S + V. [...;那就是,... ]
1. Above all (things), S + V. [ 最重要地,...]
2. According to the aforementioned, S + V. [綜觀上述所云,...]
3. As a result, S + V. [結果,...]
4. As a whole, S + V. [總而言之,...]
5. As long as +子句, S + V, [只要...,....]
6. As we know from the above, S + V. [由上敘我們可知,...]
7. At any cost(rate), we should V. [無論如何,我們應該... ]
8. At all events (costs), we should V. [ 無論如何,我們應該...]
9. By and large, S + V. [大體而言,...]
10. First and last, S + V. [總之,...]
11. I’m confident + that子句. [我自信...]
12. In brief(short), S + V. [簡而言之,...]
13. In conclusion, we should V. [總之,我們應該...]
14. Only by this can we + V. [只有如此,我們才能... ]
15. On the whole, S + V. [總而言之,...]
16. To be brief(short), S + V. [簡而言之,...]
17. To return, S + V. [言歸正傳,...]
To return, we must love the earth.
18. To sum up (conclude), S + V. [總之,...]
To sum up , it's never too late to learn.
19. Under no circumstances should we + V. [無論無何,我們絕不...]
Under no circumstances should we take drugs.
20. What we must do is + V. [我們只要...就可以了]
What we must do is save our money.


001.Stop complaining! 別發牢騷!
002.You make me sick! 你真讓我噁心!
003.What's wrong with you? 你怎麼回事?
004.You shouldn't have done that! 你真不應該那樣做!
005.You're a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球!
006.Don't talk to me like that! 別那樣和我說話!
007.Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰?
008.What's your problem? 你怎麼回事啊?
009.I hate you! 我討厭你!
010.I don't want to see your face! 我不願再見到你!
011.You're crazy! 你瘋了!
012.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?(美國人絕對常用)
013.Don't bother me. 別煩我。
014.Knock it off. 少來這一套。
015.Get out of my face. 從我面前消失!
016.Leave me alone. 走開。
017.Get lost. 滾開!
018.Take a hi ke! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇菪h吧。
019.You piss me off. 你氣死我了。
020.It's none of your business. 關你屁事!
021.What's the meaning of this? 這是什麼意思?
022.How dare you! 你敢!
023.Cut it out. 省省吧。
024.You stupid jerk! 你這蠢豬!
025.You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。
026.I'm fed up. 我厭倦了。
027.I can't take it anymore. 我受不了了!(常用)
028.I've had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了你的廢話。
029.Shut up! 閉嘴!
030.What do you want? 你想怎麼樣?
031.Do you know what time it is? 你知道現在都幾點嗎?
032.What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊?
033.How can you say that? 你怎麼可以這樣說?
034.Who says? 誰說的?
035.That's what you think! 那才是你腦子裏想的!
036.Don't look at me like that. 別那樣看著我。
037.What did you say? 你說什麼?
038.You are out of your mind. 你腦子有毛病!
039.You make me so mad. 你氣死我了啦。
040.Drop dead. 去死吧!
041.fXXk off. 滾蛋。
042.Don't give me your fish. 別跟我 胡扯。
043.Don't give me your excuses/No more excuses. O找藉口。
044.You're a pain in the ass. 你這討厭鬼。
045.You're an asshole. 你這缺德鬼。
046.You bastard! 你這雜種!
047.Get over yourself. 別自以為是。
048.You're nothing to me. 你對我什麼都不是。
049.It's not my fault. 不是我的錯。
050.You look guilty. 你看起來心虛。
051.I can't help it. 我沒辦法。
052.That's your problem. 那是你的問題。
053.I don't want to hear it. 我不想聽!
054.Get off my back. 少跟我囉嗦。
055.Give me a break. 饒了我吧。
056.Who do you think youre talking to? 你以為你在跟誰說話?
057.Look at this mess! 看看這爛攤子!
058.Youre so careless. 你真粗心。
059.Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth? 你到底為什麼不跟我說實話?
060.I'm about t o explode! 我肺都快要氣炸了!
061.What a stupid idiot! 真是白癡一個!
062.I'm not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!
063.I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要見到你!<>064.That's terrible. 真糟糕!
065.Just look at what you've done! 看看你都做了些什麼!
066.I wish I had never met you. 我真後悔這輩子遇到你!
067.You're a disgrace. 你真丟人!
068.I'll never forgive you! 我永遠都不會饒恕你!
069.Don't nag me! 別在我面前嘮叨!
070.I'm sick of it. 我都膩了。
071.You're such a bitch! 你這個婊子!
072.Stop screwing/fooling/messing around! 別鬼混了!
073.Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!
074.You're just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一個廢物!/你一無是處!
075.You've gone too far! 你太過分了!
076.I loathe you! 我討厭你!
077.I detest you! 我恨你!
078.Get the hell out of here! 滾開!
079.Don't be that way! 別那樣!
080.Can't you do anything right? 成事不足,敗事有餘。
081.You 're impossible. 你真不可救藥。
082.Don't touch me! 別碰我!
083.Get away from me! 離我遠一點兒!
084.Get out of my life. 我不願再見到你。/從我的生命中消失吧。
085.You're a joke! 你真是一個小丑!
086.Don't give me your attitude. 別跟我擺架子。
087.You'll be sorry. 你會後悔的。
088.We're through. 我們完了!
089.Look at the mess you've made! 你搞得一團糟!
090.You've ruined everything. 全都讓你搞砸了。
091.I can't believe your never. 你好大的膽子!
092.You're away too far. 你太過分了。
093.I can't take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!
094.I'm telling you for the last time! 我最後再告訴你一次!
095.I could kill you! 我宰了你!
096.That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! 那是我聽到的最愚蠢的事!
097.I can't believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!
098.You never tell the truth! 你從來就不說實話!
099.Don't push me ! 別逼我!
100.Enough is enough! 夠了夠了!
101.Don't waste my time anymore. 別再浪費我的時間了!
102.Don't make so much noise.I’m working. 別吵,我在幹活。
103.It's unfair. 太不公平了。
104.I'm very disappointed. 真讓我失望。
105.Don't panic! 別怕!
106.What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什麼嗎?
107.Don't you dare come back again! 你敢再回來!
108.You asked for it. 你自找的。
109.Nonsense! 鬼話

2009年4月13日 星期一


a.. 燒餅   Clay oven rolls
b.. 油條   Fried bread stick
c.. 韭菜盒  Fried leek dumplings
d.. 水餃   Boiled dumplings
e.. 蒸餃   Steamed dumplings
f.. 饅頭   Steamed buns
g.. 割包   Steamed sandwich
h.. 飯糰   Rice and vegetable roll
i.. 蛋餅   Egg cakes
j.. 皮蛋   100-year egg
k.. 鹹鴨蛋  Salted duck egg
l.. 豆漿   Soybean milk
m.. 米漿  Rice & peanut milk

a.. 稀飯   Rice porridge
b.. 白飯   Plain white rice
c.. 油飯   Glutinous oil rice
d.. 糯米飯  Glutinous rice
e.. 滷肉飯  Braised pork rice
f.. 蛋炒飯  Fried rice with egg
g.. 地瓜粥  Sweet potato congee

a.. 餛飩麵  Wonton & noodles
b.. 刀削麵  Sliced noodles
c.. 麻辣麵  Spicy hot noodles
d.. 麻醬麵  Sesame paste noodles
e.. 鴨肉麵  Duck with noodles
f.. 鵝肉麵  Goose with noodles
g.. 鱔魚麵  Eel noodles
h.. 烏龍麵  Seafood noodles
i.. 蚵仔麵線 Oyster thin noodles
j.. 板條   Flat noodles
k.. 米粉   Rice noodles
l.. 炒米粉  Fried rice noodles
m.. 冬粉   Green bean noodle
n.. 榨菜肉絲麵  Pork , pickled mustard green noodles

a.. 魚丸湯  Fish ball soup
b.. 貢丸湯  Meat ball soup
c.. 蛋花湯  Egg & vegetable soup
d.. 蛤蜊湯  Clams soup
e.. 蚵仔湯  Oyster soup
f.. 紫菜湯  Seaweed soup
g.. 酸辣湯  Sweet & sour soup
h.. 餛飩湯  Wonton soup
i.. 豬腸湯  Pork intestine soup
j.. 肉羹湯  Pork thick soup
k.. 花枝湯  Squid soup
l.. 花枝羹  Squid thick soup

a.. 愛玉   Vegetarian gelatin
b.. 糖葫蘆  Tomatoes on sticks
c.. 長壽桃  Longevity Peaches
d.. 芝麻球  Glutinous rice sesame balls
e.. 麻花   Hemp flowers
f.. 雙胞胎  Horse hooves

a.. 綿綿冰  Mein mein ice
b.. 麥角冰  Oatmeal ice
c.. 地瓜冰  Sweet potato ice
d.. 八寶冰  Eight treasures ice
e.. 豆花   Tofu pudding
f.. 紅豆牛奶冰  Red bean with milk ice

a.. 甘蔗汁  Sugar cane juice
b.. 酸梅汁  Plum juice
c.. 楊桃汁  Star fruit juice
d.. 青草茶  Herb juice

a.. 蚵仔煎  Oys! ter omelet
b.. 棺材板  Coffin
c.. 臭豆腐  Stinky tofu
d.. 油豆腐  Oily bean curd
e.. 麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
f.. 天婦羅  Tenpura
g.. 蝦片   Prawn cracker
h.. 蝦球   Shrimp balls
i.. 春捲   Spring rolls
j.. 雞捲   Chicken rolls
k.. 碗糕    Salty rice pudding
l.. 筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
m.. 紅豆糕  Red bean cake
n.. 綠豆糕  Bean paste cake
o.. 豬血糕  Pigs blood cake
p.. 糯米糕  Glutinous rice cakes
q.. 芋頭糕  Taro cake
r.. 肉圓   Taiwanese Meatballs
s.. 水晶餃  Pyramid dumplings
t.. 肉丸   Rice-meat dumplings
u.. 蘿蔔糕  Fried white radish patty
v.. 豆干   Dried tofu

a.. 當歸鴨  Angelica duck
b.. 檳榔   Betel nut


Accounting Assistant 會計助理
Accounting Clerk 記帳員
Accounting Manager 會計部經理
Accounting Stall 會計部職員
Accounting Supervisor 會計主管
Administration Manager 行政經理
Administration Staff 行政人員
Administrative Assistant 行政助理
Administrative Clerk 行政辦事員
Advertising Staff 廣告工作人員
Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座員
Airlines Staff 航空公司職員
Application Engineer 應用工程師
Assistant Manager 副經理
Bond Analyst 證券分析員
Bond Trader 證券交易員
Business Controller 業務主任
Business Manager 業務經理
Buyer 采購員
Cashier 出納員
Chemical Engineer 化學工程師
Civil Engineer 土木工程師
Clerk/Receptionist 職員/接待員
Clerk Typist & Secretary 文書打字兼秘書
Computer Data Input Operator 計算機資料輸入員
Computer Engineer 計算機工程師
Computer Processing Operator 計算機處理操作員
Computer System Manager 計算機系統部經理
Copywriter 廣告文字撰稿人
Deputy General Manager 副總經理
Economic Research Assistant 經濟研究助理
Electrical Engineer 電氣工程師
Engineering Technician 工程技術員
English Instructor/Teacher 英語教師
Export Sales Manager 外銷部經理
Export Sales Staff 外銷部職員
Financial Controller 财務主任
Financial Reporter 财務報告人
F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外彙部職員
F.X. Settlement Clerk 外彙部核算員
Fund Manager 财務經理
General Auditor 審計長
General Manager/ President 總經理
General Manager Assistant 總經理助理
General Manager's Secretary 總經理秘書
Hardware Engineer 計算機硬件工程師
Import Liaison Staff 進口聯絡員
Import Manager 進口部經理
Insurance Actuary 保險公司理賠員
International Sales Staff 國際銷售員
Interpreter 口語翻譯
Legal Adviser 法律顧問
Line Supervisor 生産線主管
Maintenance Engineer 維修工程師
Management Consultant 管理顧問
Manager 經理
Manager for Public Relations 公關部經理
Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程師
Manufacturing Worker 生産員工
Market Analyst 市場分析員
Market Development Manager 市場開發部經理
Marketing Manager 市場銷售部經理
Marketing Staff 市場銷售員
Marketing Assistant 銷售助理
Marketing Executive 銷售主管
Marketing Representative 銷售代表
Marketing Representative Manager 市場調研部經理
Mechanical Engineer 機械工程師
Mining Engineer 采礦工程師
Music Teacher 音樂教師
Naval Architect 造船工程師
Office Assistant 辦公室助理
Office Clerk 職員
Operational Manager 業務經理
Package Designer 包裝設計師
Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位預訂員
Personnel Clerk 人事部職員
Personnel Manager 人事部經理
Plant/ Factory Manager 廠長
Postal Clerk 郵政人員
Private Secretary 私人秘書
Product Manager 生産部經理
Production Engineer 産品工程師
Professional Staff 專業人員
Programmer 電腦程序設計師
Project Staff 項目策劃人員
Promotional Manager 推售部經理
Proof-reader 校對員
Purchasing Agent 采購進貨員
Quality Control Engineer 質量管理工程師
Real Estate Staff 房地産職員
Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘協調人
Regional Manger 地區經理
Research&.Development Engineer 研究開發工程師
Restaurant Manager 飯店經理
Sales and Planning Staff 銷售計劃員
Sales Assistant 銷售助理
Sales Clerk 店員、售貨員
Sales Coordinator 銷售協調人
Sales Engineer 銷售工程師
Sales Executive 銷售主管
Sales Manager 銷售部經理
Salesperson 銷售員
Seller Representative 銷售代表
Sales Supervisor 銷售監管
School Registrar 學校注冊主任
Secretarial Assistant 秘書助理
Secretary 秘書
Securities Custody Clerk 保安人員
Security Officer 安全人員
Senior Accountant 高級會計
Senior Consultant/Adviser 高級顧問
Senior Employee 高級雇員
Senior Secretary 高級秘書
Service Manager 服務部經理
Simultaneous Interpreter 同聲傳譯員
Software Engineer 計算機軟件工程師
Supervisor 監管員
Systems Adviser 系統顧問
Systems Engineer 系統工程師
Systems Operator 系統操作員
Technical Editor 技術編輯
Technical Translator 技術翻譯
Technical Worker 技術工人
Telecommunication Executive電訊(電信)員
Telephonist / Operator 電話接線員、話務員
Tourist Guide 導遊
Trade Finance Executive 貿易财務主管
Trainee Manager 培訓部經理
Translation Checker 翻譯核對員
Translator 翻譯員
Trust Banking Executive 銀行高級職員
Typist 打字員

2009年4月9日 星期四


[英語] 旅行英語

在進入正題前,我們首先要對「觀光旅遊」英語有一個基本認知: 和 「新聞」, 「商務」 等其他英語一樣,它們都是使用同樣26個字母,遵循同樣文法規則, 發音讀法一樣,拼字句型如一, 若有不同,只不過是在字義上(例一:“security”, 安全, “securities”,期貨) 或類型上,(例二: “How are you?” (正式), “How’s going?” (半正式), “What’s new?” 或 “What’s happening?” (非正式), 因領域範圍功能等因素不同而有所差異。所以「如何學」? 就如在學校內學習任何科目一般: 多讀,多聽, 多背,和多用,自然而然就可熟能生巧!

除了上述認知外,我們還要有一個正確觀念,那就是能在「語文」 和「語言」之間做區分。「語言」旨在溝通,所以流利(fluency)與否成為衡量基準;所以精准(accuracy) 則成為評鑒依歸。若就四技來分隔,「聽」 與 「說」應屬前者表現; 「讀」 與 「寫」則是後者重心。但上述區隔絕不代表絕對地分割;能使用語言少不了語文基礎,能欣賞語文又少不得對語言精練使用。所以「如何學」? 答案: 就如同在學校內修習任何科目一樣:多讀,多聽,多背,多用,自然而然就可熟能生巧!

1. Getting Ready! (工欲善其事,必先利其器)
applying for a valid passport(申請有效護照),visa to the U.S.(美簽), booking/reserving airline ticket through travel agency/on Internet (透過旅行社或泡網預訂機票),vaccination (檢疫),money exchange (兌換外幣),packing (行李打包) 等基本準備。
2. Welcome to the U. S. A. (入境)
arriving at the airport (到達),filling out immigration for(I-94) (填寫移民局表格), going through customs (海關申報),asking for directions (搞清東南西北),making connecting flights (轉機) 等流程。
3. Communicating by computer, phone, and mail. (連系)
Using Blackberry (機場無線泡網),pay phone (公共電話),mail services (郵政服務),talking to the operator (電話對答),taking and leaving messages (受話留言), sending and picking up mails, telegrams and messages (寄發收取郵件消息) 等運作。
4. Getting around (行無礙)
riding public transportation in the city (市內大眾運輸工具),renting a car: asking for and giving detailed information on fees, insurance and maintenance (租車自由行), reading schedules (看懂時刻表), getting from city to city by bus, train, car and plane (跨市越州旅行)。
5. Places to stay (居不易)
finding a room for the night (打尖住宿),having things for you (旅館住處內各種設施服務),taking care of your clothes (自住洗衣或外送),finding what’s nearby (認識周遭環境)。
6. Handling your money(金錢處理)
banking services, cash, credit card and traveler check (金融服務,現金,信用卡,和旅行支票),having money wired (匯款),going shopping (血拼)。
7. Getting something to eat(食為先)
finding restaurants you like(遍嘗美食),reading the menu and ordering (點餐),asking about and describing food (餐飲查詢),trying to cook on your own (君子近庖廚)。
8. In case you get sick(天有不測風雲:衛生保健)
seeing doctors (看診),making appointment (預約),asking and talking about your health (說明身體狀況),describing your symptoms (病況說明),getting medicines and prescriptions you need (購藥與處方簽)。
9. Enjoy your free time (快樂逍遙遊)。
using newspapers and magazines to find out what’s happening 娛樂活動藝文資訊), reading ads and posters about different events (海報文宣)。
10. Being a welcome guest (做客之道)
Staying at someone’s house(借宿),agreeing to/turning down your host’s suggestions/offers or getting out something politely (同意或婉拒之道),being invited to parties (應邀赴宴), arranging to get together again (後會有期)。

人:Who is going to the States with you?
Whose bags are those?
Whom are you going to visit while you are in the States?
事:What’s the purpose of your visit here?
What are you going to do when you are here?
What are the Dos and Don’ts(該做及不該做)while one visits a
foreign country?
時:When will the plane take off?
When will we arrive?
When is the connecting flight?
地:Where is the bus terminal?
Where can I find the nearest convenience store?
Where is the souvenir shop located?
物:What’s the thing crawling over there?
Which would you prefer? Chicken or beef?
What is the drink made of/with?
如何:How far is the train station from here?
How can I get to the Metropolitan Museum?
Why is that he could play it twice and only once for me?

說明句:I am going there with my friends.
I want to visit some relatives, and friends as well if I have time.
I have been dreaming of going to the States since I was a kid.
疑問句:How much is that red sweater?
Do I have to get a valid passport before I can apply for the visa to
the U.S.?
Is there any place you would recommend that’s worthy of visiting?
否定句:I don’t think that’s such a good idea to go there alone.
We have decided not to spend the rest of our trip shopping.
I would rather go somewhere else instead of /than just staying
in the hotel.
命令句:Don’t do anything local people won’t/Do in Rome as Romans do!
Leave it there! The janitor will take care of it.
Watch out! You are too close to the cliff!
驚歎句:What a magnificent view!
What a sight for sore eyes!
What a bargain!

1 主詞+完全不及物動詞:
Plane flies high in the sky.
People laugh happily around the pool.
Stores usually close at 6 pm on weekdays.
2 主詞+不完全不及物動詞+主詞補語:
The trip was great!
The food is excellent!
The price is just about what I can afford.
3 主詞+完成及物動詞+受詞:
I bought this blouse at the Macy’s.
I had the Persian food for the first time last night.
We went to the Disneyland yesterday and had a wonderful time there.
4 主詞+不完全及物動詞+受詞+受詞補語:
I found the whole trip interesting.
I ran into Ms. Wang who is my math teacher in the States.
I saw the bag that I have been wanted for a long time in the mall yesterday.
5 主詞+授與動詞+間接受詞+直接受詞:
I want to buy my family some souvenirs. I want to buy some souvenirs for my family.
They want to give the guide a big tip./ They want to give a big tip to the guide.
We asked the receptionist places to visit before we left the hotel.
I want to buy my family some souvenirs./ I want to buy some souvenirs for
my family.
They want to give the guide a big tip./ They want to give a big tip to the guide.
We asked the receptionist places to visit before we left the hotel.


peak/high season(旺季),off/slow season(淡季),book/reserve(預約),tour package(套裝旅遊),paper work(文檔),passport(護照),apply(申請),visa(簽證),certificate of employment(工作證明),financial statement(財力證明),AIT, American Institute, Taiwan(美國在台協會),purpose(目的),staff(工作人員),office clerk(職員),itinerary(行程),sightseeing(觀光),cultural shock(文化衝擊),guidebook(旅遊指南),travel agent/agency(旅行社職員;旅行社),one-way ticket(單程機票),round-trip ticket(來回機票),direct flight(直飛班機),discount(折扣),internet(信息網),web page(網頁),web site(網站),valid(有效的),budget(預算),insurance(保險),pamphlet(文宣傳單),brochure(小冊 子),flight attendant(空服員),reasonable(合理的),hotel chain(連鎖旅館),check-list(列表),organizer(筆記本),money belt(秘密錢袋),(photo)copy(影本),stash(藏塞),carry-on bag(隨身行李),check-in bag(寄運行李),expiry date(到期日)。

shopping list(購物列表),snack(零食),produce(農產品),organic(有機的),yummy(好吃的),GMF(Genetic Modified Food;基因改造食品),calorie(卡路里),coupon(折價卷),grocery(雜貨),label(標籤),cash or charge(現金或記帳),dairy product(奶類製品),super market(超級市場),food mart(食物商場),convenience store(便利商品),mom-and-pop store(街坊小鋪),waiter/waitress(男/女服務生),order(點餐),house wine(例酒/招牌酒),roast(烤),grill(炙),allergic to(對、、敏感),bite(吃;當名詞用:to grab a bite),brunch(早午餐;breakfast+lunch),caffeine(咖啡因),de-cafe(無咖啡因),combo(套 餐;combination),deli(熟食店;delicatessen),dressing(沙拉醬),dipping(沾 醬),stuffing(填充物),topping(澆汁,澆醬),hors d’oeuvres(開胃菜),hostess(餐廳領班),junk food(垃圾食品,泛指高熱量),recipe(食譜)。

ad(廣告;advertisement),shopping mall(購物中心),outlet(物流或暢貨中心),menswear/womenswear/childreswear (男/女/童裝部),sportswear(運動衣),footwear(鞋部),luxuries(精品),formal(正式),casual(一 般),XL(加大;extra large),M(中號;medium),S(小號;small),XS/petite(超小號;袖珍),price tag(標籤價),fade(退色),shrink(縮水),10% off(九折),shirt(裙),dress(洋裝),pants(長褲),suit(西裝;套裝),dress shirt(搭配西裝的襯衫),blouse(女性襯衫),apparel(服裝配飾),fitting room(試衣間),alternate(更改),gift-wrapping(禮品包裝),exchange(以物易物),refund(退貨換 錢),invoice(發票),receipt(收據)。

accommodate(留宿),B&B(民宿;bed & breakfast),hotel(旅館),motel(汽車旅館),lodge(旅店),room and board(膳宿),hostel(青年旅館),camp(宿營;營區),single/single bed(單人房;單人床),double/double bed(雙人房;雙人床),suite(套房),twin bed(較標準雙人床大些的床),queen-size bed(大床),king-size bed(加大床),facilities(設施),equipment(設備),kitchenette(附設小廚房),laundry(洗衣 店),laundromat(自助洗),cafeteria(自助式餐廳),banquet hall(宴會廳),lounge(酒吧),business center(商務中心),receptionist (接待人員),check-in/out counter(住房/退房櫃檯),cashier(出納),house-keeping(房間整理),room service(客房服務),wake-up service(叫起床),service change(服務費),lobby(大廳)vacancy(有空房間),Jacuzzi(按摩浴缸),whirlpool(漩渦式浴缸)

shuttle bus(接駁公車),door-to-door pick-up service(到府接送),bus stop(路邊巴士站),bus terminal/depot(巴士總站),cab/taxi/cabbie(計程車),meter rate(照表收費),flat rate(不二價),car rental(租車公司),international driver’s license(國際駕照),daily/weekly/monthly rate(日/周/月租),weekly/monthly pass(周/月月票),bus/boat/airplane fare(巴士/船/機票費),fee(費用;用在使用某種設備或服務時),timetable(時間表),rest stop(休息站),subway(地下鐵),token(進出車站的代幣)。

classified ads(分類廣告),billboard(廣告看板),box office(賣票處),cable TV(有線電視),prime time(黃金時段),soap opera(午間連續劇),theater(戲院),movie theater/cinema(電影院),concert hall(音樂廳),sports events(體育活動),football stadium(足球場),volleyball/basketball court(排/籃球場),gym(體育館),fitness center(健身房),pump iron(健身),comedy(喜劇),melo-drama(戲劇),thrill/horror(驚悚恐怖),musical(音 樂),suspense(懸疑),R&R(搖滾樂;Rock & Roll),R&B(節奏藍調;Rhythm & Blue),classical music(古典音樂),rap(饒舌歌)。


I'm happy.
How's your new home? (新家怎么樣?)
I'm happy. (我很幸福。)
I'm ecstatic. (我高興得忘乎所以了。) *希望進一步強調心情非常激動的感覺時。
I'm thrilled. (我太激動了。)
I'm so happy.
I feel so happy. (我非常高興。)
I'm in heaven. (我好像到了天堂。)
Yahoo! *表示高興和喜悅的心情時。
Oh, boy! *表示高興、驚喜的同時,也表示稍覺為難的心情。注意,沒有Oh, girl!的說法。
We're going camping next week. (下星期我們去宿營。)
Oh, boy! (哇-!)
I lost my keys! (我把鑰匙丟了。)
Oh, boy! (哦!這下糟了。)
Wow! *表示高興、驚喜、贊嘆。“啊”。
Look at the view! (看那邊的景色!)
Wow! It's great. (哇!太漂亮了!)
Yeah! *表示同意、贊成。比Yes要隨便、粗魯。
School is canceled today. (今天學校放假!)
Yeah! (哇-!)
Whoopee! *孩子用來表示幸福的詞,如果大人使用,聽上去含有諷刺的意味。
We're going to Disneyland! (我們要去迪斯尼樂園了。)
Whoopee! (啊!)
He got the promotion. (他升官了。)
Whoopee. (啊?)
I'm glad to hear it.
I'm happy you told me.
That's great to hear.
I'm relieved to hear that. (聽了那個消息,我就放心了。)
I'm glad that...
I'm glad that the exams are over. (謝天謝地考完了。)
I feel like a million dollars. *million 是100萬。
I've never been this happy.
I've never been as happy as I am now.
This is the happiest moment in my life.
This is the best moment of my life.
I couldn't be happier.
That's good news.
I heard John got married. (我聽說約翰結婚了。)
That's good news. (真是個好消息。)
That's welcome news!
What fun!
Let's go dancing. (我們去跳舞吧。)
What fun! (那太好了!)
How fun!
I feel great!
It's a nice day! (今天的天氣真好!)
I feel great! (舒服極了。)
I feel wonderful!
I feel good!
I feel fantastic!
I feel terrific! *進一步強調“舒服”的說法。
I'm in a good mood today.
The boss is in a good mood. (老板的心情很好。)
I'm in a bad mood today. (我今天心情不好。)
I'm looking forward to this summer.
Do you have any plans? (有什么打算嗎?)
I can hardly wait until this summer. (我都等不及到夏天了。) *口語化的說法。
I'm looking forward to seeing you. (我期待著能見到您。)
You look happy today.
Yes. I got a raise. (是呀,我漲工資了。)
You seem really happy today.
I'm walking on air. *直譯是“在天上走”,表達仿佛登上了天似的極其高興的心情。
I jumped for joy.
This is too good to be true. *聽到了非常好的消息時。
We're having a baby. (我們有孩子了!)
This is too good to be true. (這簡直讓人不敢相信。)
It's unbelievable. (這無法讓人相信。)
Too good to be true.
Nothing could be more wonderful.
Nothing would please me more.
Nothing could be nicer.
You made me happy.
Did you receive my birthday card? (你收到我給你的生日賀卡了嗎?)
Yes, you made me happy. Thank you. (收到了,我太幸福了。謝謝。)
I made it! *用來表現自己“成功了!”、“達到某個目標”時。如果是對對方說時用You did it!。
Did you pass the exam? (考試通過了嗎?)
I made it! (通過了。)
I did it!
You did it!
I've got a new job! (我找到了一個新工作。)
You did it! (太好了!)
I won the lottery! (我中獎了。)
Lucky! (真走運。)
I lucked out today. *美國的俚語說法。
Didn't that policeman give you a ticket? (那個警察沒給你開違反交規的罰單嗎?)
No, he didn't. I lucked out today. (沒有,我今天的運氣可真好。)
I was lucky today.
Today's my lucky day.
I feel lucky today.
I'm in luck today.
It's your lucky day.
I found $10.00 on the street. (我在街上揀了10美元。)
It's your lucky day. (你真走運。)
That's fortunate. (真有好運氣。)
You got lucky.
Thank heavens! *heaven是基督教所說的“天堂”,即“神和天使住的地方”。直譯為“感謝天堂里的神”。
We didn't crash. (我們差點撞上。)
Thank heavens! (謝天謝地。)
Thank God!
Thank goodness!
I hit the jackpot! *原意是賭博時贏得很多錢。一般用于“中了頭彩”、“獲得巨大成功”時。
What luck! (太走運了!)
I struck it rich! (我發了筆橫財。) *這句是從“挖到富礦”派生出來的一種表達方式。struck是strike的過去式。
I was just lucky. *用just或pure強調“只是運氣好而已”。
It was just luck.
It was pure luck.
It's a dream come true!
Talk about luck.
Mike got a raise! (邁克加薪了!)
Talk about luck! (他可真走運!)
This must be my lucky day!
Things are really going my way!
What a lucky day!
This is it! *用于找到了一直在找的東西時。
What is a good gift for Tracy? (送特蕾西什么禮物好呢?)
This is it! (就這個吧!)
This is just what I was looking for. (這正是我要找的。)
It's settled!
Why don't we go to New York? (我們干嗎不去紐約呀?)
It's settled! (是呀!就這么定了。)
That settles it!
Sounds great! *聽到對方的建議后表達自己同意的意見時。
Let's go dancing tonight! (今天晚上去跳舞吧!)
Sounds great! (嗯,好主意!)
It sounds great!
That sounds great!
Looks great! *看到什么人或什么物,發出“真棒”的感嘆時。
Look at that salad bar. (你看那個沙拉長條桌。)
Looks great! (看起來不錯!)
It looks great!
That looks great!

What a relief!
I passed! What a relief. (我通過了,總算可以松口氣了。)
Good for you. (太好了。)
That's a relief! (總算放心了。)
I'm relieved.
Everything worked out well. (所有的事都解決好了。)
I'm relieved. (我總算可以松口氣了。)
I feel relieved.
I feel a lot better now.
I'm surprised! *因意想不到的事情使得情況發生突然的變化,而使人吃驚、嚇了一跳時。
Happy birthday! (生日快樂!)
I'm surprised! (嚇我一跳!)
What a surprise!
Whew! *表示終于可以回避問題,松一口氣的心情。發音就如同吹口哨一樣。
Whew! (好了!這下放心了!)
We made it! (干得不錯!)
Thank goodness!
Thank God!
Aah! *表示心情放松、高興和嘆息,一般只用于自言自語。
I felt relieved to hear that. *relieve 可以表示放下心來、安心的心情。
Did you hear that the meeting went well?(你聽說了嗎?那個會開得很順利。)
Yes, I felt relieved to hear that. (聽說了,這么一來我就放心了。)
I was relieved to hear that.
I felt much better after hearing that.
Here we are at last. *Here we are. 是固定短語,表示“到了”。
Here we are at last. (終于到了。)
Home sweet home. (還是自己的家好!)
We've finally arrived.
Good riddance. *riddance 表示“擺脫煩惱、麻煩”。
He finally left. (他終于回去了。)
Good riddance. (太好了,他可算走了。)
I'm glad they're gone.

轉貼 - web2.0的線上英語學習網站 「n詞酷」

「n詞酷」是一個功能相當齊全又畫面精美的線上英語字典網站,這個網站是有「韓國Google」之稱的NHN所設立,NHN也是目前韓國最大的網路公司, 而「n詞酷」網站是韓國NHN為進軍華文線上語言學習市場所設立的網站。因此在網站介面上,有繁體中文網站、簡體中文網站、英語網站,如果想學英文查字典 可以透過繁簡的中文網站,輸入英文單字,如果是外國人想查中文單字,也可透過英語介面,輸入中文單字,就可以瞭解該字的詞意。

例如,某位外國人不知道中文的「車水馬龍」是什麼意思?在「n詞酷」英文介面網站輸入這四個字,查出來的英文意思為「heavy traffic」,這樣一來「n詞酷」網站平台就成了華人與外國人相互學習語言的平台了。

「n 詞酷」網站除了提供英漢/漢英字典查詢之外,還可以查詢「情境對話」、「詞酷問答」、「詞酷百科」等功能。例如使用者可輸入「吃飯」來查詢相關的情境對 話,網站就會秀出有關如何點餐的英語情境對話、或者是要怎麼告訴餐廳人員打包的英語等等,甚至在網站的左欄也陳列出已預設各種情境對話的分類,如果覺得以 上情境對話分類都是使用者所需,使用者也可以自行創建英語情境對話的例子,提供給其它使用者。



a back seat driver 專愛指點司機如何開車的乘客
a big bear hug 抱得很緊
a bit trying 有點苦惱
a cap and gown 畢業典禮的禮服
a cup of Java 一杯咖啡
a dead battery 汽車電瓶沒電了
a good shot 照相的取景很出色
a hangover from the old days 遺留下來的老習慣
a knockout 引人注目
a little too tight 緊了一點
a man of few words 沈默寡言的人
a popular moment 舞會中大家都來到了的時間
a rainy day 不如意的日子
a scorcher 一個大熱天
a steady 一個固定的異性朋友
a tall milk shake 一大杯奶昔
A toast everyone. 敬大家一杯酒.
a two-year hitch in the army 兩年的兵役
a wet blanket 掃興的人
above board 光明正大的
absent-minded professor 無頭蒼蠅;做事心不在焉者
after all 畢竟
After while, crocodile. 一會見.
after you 你先請
all along 始終;一貫
all at sea 茫然不知所措
all bark and no bite 只動口,不動手的人
all burnt up 怒火中燒
all dressed up 穿的很漂亮
all ears 全神貫注地聽;愕然
all for it 完全同意
all gone 消逝;丟失
all in 疲倦
all in a day's work, be 司空見慣
all in all 總而言之
all my eye 豈有此理;胡說八道
all out 全力以赴;全賣光了
all over 完了
all right 一點不錯
all set 準備好了
All set? Not yet. 都弄好了嗎?還沒呢.
all the better 更好
all the same 雖然如此;並無分別
all the world and his wife 人人;諸色人等
all there 神志清醒的;沒有問題的
all thumbs 笨手笨腳的;一竅不通的
all turn out 如願以償
all woman 最標準的女性
all you have to do 你只要
always the case 常常如此
ambulance chaser 唯利是圖的低級律師
And how! 當然啦!
ants in one's pants(skirt) 坐立不安
any way 究竟
anything under the sun 普天下任何事情
apeal to sb 對某人有吸引力
appeal to sb 取悅某人
apple-polish 逢迎;討好
apply for 申請
Are you all packed? 你行李收拾好了嗎?
Are you done? 你吃飽了嗎?
Are you kidding? 你在開玩笑吧?
Are you telling me? 用你來告訴我嗎?
Are you with me? 你懂我的意思嗎?
as a rule 通常來說
as luck would have it 真走運或不走運
as mod as sb 與某人一樣時髦
as the saying goes 常言道
at first blush 乍看
at hand 近旁;在手旁
at issue 爭論中
at loose ends 無職業;不安定
at my expense 由我出錢
at odds 爭執
at one's finger's tips 了如指掌
at one's service 隨時提供服務
at one's wit's end 不知所措
at one's wits' end 志窮計盡
at sixes and sevens 混亂的
at stake 在危險中
at the drop of a hat 馬上
at times 有時;偶然
at your disposal 聽你的
aware of, be 瞭解
B.T.O. (big time operator) 遊手好閒的人
babes and suckings 天真而缺乏經驗者
baby-kisser 爲達到競選目的出盡八寶的政客
bachelor party 單身會
back and forth 來來去去
back at the farm 言歸正傳
back number 過期的雜誌;守舊派
back on one's feet 經受打擊後重新站起來
back out 食言
backseat driver 指手劃腳的人
bad egg(lot) 壞蛋
bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人
bake down 臨陣退縮
barking up the wrong tree 攻擊錯了目標
barter away 以較便宜的價格出售
bawl out 責駡
Be a good sport! 不要婆婆媽媽的!
be nuts 傻裏傻氣
be off 走吧;滾蛋
Be off! 滾開!
be on the wagon 喝酒
bear in mind 牢記在心
beat around the bush 說話繞圈子
beat it 走開
beat one's brains (out) 傷透了腦筋
beat sb by miles 遠遠勝過
beat, be 太累了
beef about 抱怨
beef up 加強
before you are scheduled to leave 在你決定離開之時間前
Before you could say Jack Robinson 很快
before you know it 很快
behave yourself 請檢點一點
behind bars 坐牢
behind one's back 背後
behind the scenes(curtain) 在幕後
behind the times 不合時宜
behind time 誤期
believe it or not 信不信由你
benefit from 從中得到
best-seller 暢銷書、唱片等
bet it is 當然是
better half 老婆
better luck next time 下次好運些吧
better than, be 比...多;多於
between my ribs and my back bone 肚子
beyond one's reach of 超出支付能力
beyond sb, be 使某人無法理解
big bluffer 吹牛者
bite one's head off 大發脾氣
black and blue 遍體鱗傷
black sheep 不肖子女
blame sb for sth 爲某事責備某人
bleed white 花光血汗錢
blind alley 死胡同;失敗之路
blood in one's eye 極度憤怒
bloody fool (B.F.) 蠢材
blow hot and cold 喜怒無常
Blow it! 他媽的!
blow off steam 發脾氣
blow one's own horn 自吹自擂
blow one's top 怒髮衝冠
blow up 表現失常;吹風
body and breeches 完全
boil down to 歸結起來是;其結果是
boiling point 愛情的沸點
bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂
bone up on 努力研讀
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 出生富貴
born yesterday 乳臭未乾
bottoms up 乾杯
Bottoms up! 乾杯!
brain storm 心血來潮
brand new 嶄新的
break down 故障;毀壞
break in 適合
break it off 吹了
break one's heart 使某人心碎
break one's neck 痛打一頓;拼命做某事
break the ice 打破僵局;打破沈默
break the routine 調劑一下
bred in the bone 天生的;個性的
bring back the good old days 回憶昔日好時光
bring down the house 掌聲雷動
bring me up-to-date 告訴我最新消息
bring sb to date 使某人掌握最先進東西
brotherly impulse 激動手足的情分
brush off (男女之間)甩;撇開
brush up on sth 復習,重新學習
buck up 振作起來
bull dog 難以相處的人
burn a hole in one's pocket 花錢如流水
burn one's bridges behind one 不留後路
burn one's fingers 碰釘子
burn the midnight oil 熬夜讀書
bury one's head in the sand 不敢面對現實
bury the hatchet 捐棄前嫌
Business is business. 公事公辦
busy-body 好管閒事和多嘴的人
buy things on time 分期付款買東西
buy your story 相信你的話
buying bargains 買廉價貨
by all means 務必
by and by 逐漸;慢慢地
by fair means or foul 不擇手段
By golly! (By Gum!) 天呀!
by hook or by crook 不擇手段
by the look of you 從你的樣子看來
call back 再打電話
call it a day 今天到此爲止
call it off 取消
call off 取消
call one names 用污穢語言罵人
call the shots 發號施令;管事
call up 打電話
calling at this early hour 一大早就打電話
Can you stop by? 你能來嗎?
can't afford to have 買不起
can't be helped 避免不了
can't be wrong 錯不了
can't get away with it 逃不掉
can't help it 愛莫能助
can't stand it any longer 再也無法忍受
Capital idea! 好主意!
carry coals to Newcastle 多此一舉;徒勞無功
carry sth too far 做事超出限度
carry the torch 單相思
cast away 扔掉
cast down 沮喪
caste eyes at 注視;打主意
castle in the air 空中樓閣
catch on to 理解
catch one's breath 喘口氣
catch up on sth 補上某事
catch up with 迎頭趕上
caught red-handed, be 犯罪活動的當場被抓住
chain smoker 煙癮大的人
change hands 轉手
change my opinion of you 我對你的看法改變一下
cheap joints 下流地方
check out 辦清離開手續;借書;調查
check up on 校對
cheer up 振作;鼓勵
chew the rag 嘮叨不斷
chip in 集資;捐款
clean sweep 全勝
clean the house for sb 和某人算帳
clock watcher 盼望下班的人
close shave (close call) 千鈞一髮
coast is clear 沒有危險了
coin a neat phrase 話說得很恰當
cold fish 冷酷無情的人
Columbus discovered America 陳年舊事
come about 發生
come across 偶然遇見
come along with 隨同
come and get it 試試拿走它吧
come down with 病倒
come in 起作用;有份
come in handy 遲早有用
come into the world 出世
come off it 吹牛皮
come on 別這樣
come on 來吧!(提醒、催促)
come on strong 非常積極的給人以好印象
come out right 事情進展順利
come out with 說出
come right over 這就來了
come through 交出;成功
come to naught 成爲泡影
come to terms 達成協定
come to the point 說話切題
come up with sth 想出某事
come what may 無論發生什麽事
contribute to sth 有助於
cook up a story 編出慌話騙人
cool off 冷卻下來
cooling my heels waiting for her 翹首以待
crash the gate 不請自來的客人
crazy like a fox 裝瘋;裝模作樣
cross my heart 感發誓;不騙人
cross the bridge when one comes to it 既來之則安之
cross with, be 不高興
cry quits 放棄;承認失敗
cry wolf 狼來了;發出假警報
cup of tea 喜歡而又會做之事
cut corners 超近路;以簡捷方式做事
cut down on 削減
cut it out 夠了!算了
cut of the woods 脫離危險期
cut out 戒掉壞習慣
cut sb down to size 揭穿某人的底細
cut sb off 把電話挂斷.
cut sth out 阻止;停止;故障;占上風
cut throat 害人的
cut-and-dried 事先準備好的;枯燥無味的
dark horse 黑馬;冷門
darn it 真討厭
dating yourself before your time 老气橫秋
day in and day out 夜以繼日
day off 放假日
day-dream 白日夢
daylight robbery 價錢貴到離譜
days are numbered 生存時日屈指可數
dead beat(tired) 爛醉如泥
dead dog 沒用的人
dead easy 易如反掌
dead serious 認真得不得了
dead sure(certain) 極之肯定
dead to the world 睡得很香
dear Jone letter 絕交信
deep southern drawl 拉長語調的南方口音
definte word 確定的消息
deliver the goods 完成工作
Did you fall heir to a gold mine? 你是否遇見了金礦的小老闆?
die with one's boots on 死在工作崗位上
die-hard 冥頑不靈
dilly-dally 吊兒浪當
dine out 出外吃飯
dirty dog 卑鄙小人
discuss sth over a coke 邊喝可樂邊談某事
dish water 毫無味道
distance makes the heart grow fonder 時間會使感情加深
do a little sightseeing 逛逛
do all the talking 會議上只有一個人講話
do my own laundry 自己(用洗衣機)洗衣服
do one good 對某人有好處
do over 重做;粉刷
do sth about it 想想辦法
Do you get me? 明白嗎?
doesn't count 不算
doesn't make sense 不合邏輯
dog's life 悲慘的生活
Don't be silly! 別傻啦!
Don't be such a baby! 不要那樣孩子氣
Don't mention it. 別客氣,不算什麽.
Don't tease me. 別開玩笑了.
Don't think I'll have much use for that. 這對我沒有多大用處.
Don't you feel guilty? 你不覺得罪過嗎?
Don't you know that yet? 你還不知道嗎?
done time 老資格(貶義)
double crosser 出賣朋友的人
down in the dumps 愁眉苦臉
down in the mouth 愁眉苦臉
down on one's luck 倒楣
down payment 分期付款的定金
Down the hatch! 乾杯!
drag sb through the mud 拖人下水
draw on 依照;依據
draw up 草擬;準備
drooling around her all the time 一直對她垂涎三尺
drop by 順道拜訪
drop dead 去你的
drop in on sb 拜訪某人
drop it 停止吧
drop it off 把它放到...
drop me a line 寫信給我
drop out 退學
drop sb a line 給某人寫信
drop sb off 讓某人下車
drop the ball 犯錯誤
duck soup 易如反掌之事
dull book 沈悶的書
dumb bell 笨蛋
dumb Dora 傻女
Dump her! 甩掉她!
dwell on 考慮;不斷地說
early bird 集會早到的人
easier said than done 說來容易做時難
easy come easy go 來得容易去得快(特指錢)
Easy does it -- when you can. 慢慢來,盡力而爲.
eat one's hat 趕打賭,非常確定
eat one's head off 食量驚人
eat one's heart out 傷心異常,因此消瘦
eat one's words 承認錯誤
eat out 出外吃飯
egg money 私房錢
egghead 書呆子
either make or break 不成功,便成人
eleventh hour 最後關頭
end up 結束
